Customer-Owned Pipe

Corning Natural Gas Corporation inspects and maintains its company-owned pipelines to ensure safety and reliability. It is important to remember, however, that you, as property owner, have responsibility to inspect and maintain your own gas lines by hiring a qualified plumbing/heating contractor or leak survey and corrosion expert.

Your gas lines may be above or below ground and will extend beyond the outlet of the natural gas meter* to outdoor appliance(s) such as:

  • Generators
  • Pool, hot tub, or outdoor heaters
  • Barbeque grills
  • Detached buildings with gas appliances
  • Outdoor gas lighting or fireplaces
  • Other natural gas fired items

It is recommended that the above ground or buried pipe be inspected periodically for:
  • Corrosion (on metallic lines)
  • Leaks

If any unsafe conditions are found, the piping should be repaired or replaced immediately.
If you are not sure whether you have gas lines extending beyond your gas meter, especially buried piping, contact a qualified plumbing and heating contractor to determine this for you.
