Converting to Natural Gas

Conversion Process

  1. Verify we provide natural gas service where you live or own a business by calling 607-936-3755 or emailing us at
  2. Determine cost savings with the energy cost calculator, look for any available rebates and funding sources to help offset conversion costs.
  3. Fill out the new customer application form within the new customer application packet and return it to us via:
    • Email -
    • Mail - PO Box 58, Corning, NY 14830
    • Fax - 607-936-4316
    • In Person - 330 W. William St, Corning, NY 14830
    You will also need to provide a copy of your photo ID, or two other forms of identification along with your application.
  4. Contact your local HVAC contractor or plumber to do any necessary piping installations or appliance conversions for natural gas. Keep in mind you only have to have one appliance ready to take gas (furnace, hot water heater, stove, dryer, barbecue grill, fireplace, firepit, or even outdoor gas lighting).
  5. Call us to install a service line and meter. (Ideally, this will be in conjunction with your contractor's work.)
  6. When the HVAC contractor or plumber completes his work, after pressure testing the pipes, he should fill out the Contractor Sign-off form from your new customer application packet.
  7. We will come to the property to meet with the contractor and collect the Contractor Sign-off form. We will also verify the work was done properly and turn on your new gas service.
  8. Congratulations! You are ready to enjoy the convenience and savings of American natural gas!
  9. If your service line and meter were installed, but you haven't made any conversions to begin using gas within 6 months, you will be liable for the cost of the installation.